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Thursday, July 18, 2013

On Pregnancy: How did this happen?

So I found out I was pregnant the day DOMA was declared unconstitutional (yay! awesome!). I knew there was a reason I wanted a waffle so badly. Actually, I didn't think I was pregnant at all. We're filming a documentary and I was going to take a pregnancy test for a scene. I was just going down the checklist before I went into my reproductive health appointment to begin testing for IVF: period, no?, take test, negative, report back. It had been quite some time since I'd had a cycle, but I really wasn't concerned. Nothing about the absence felt "pregnant" to me. But then, I had a large loaded caffeinated beverage and was exhausted afterwards. I had some stomach issues. I started to wonder.

I was going to wait to film to take the test, but then I remembered what usually happens when Aaron and I both process something sad/frustrating/negative at the same time: lots of crying and arguing. So, being the woman I am, I decided to take the test the day before so I could spend a little time on my emotions about it before Aaron had any.

Yeah, that didn't work out so well. When the test came back pregnant, I double-checked, pulled up my pants, and ran into the living room. I stood there for a second, holding the plastic wand, just staring at Aaron. He looked at the scene, exclaimed, "ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" and his eyes began to water. All I could do was hand him the test. I couldn't even speak. He immediately asked for more tests, to the tune of about $100 over the next few days. He couldn't believe; neither could I. I managed to get a blood test from the doctor's office a few days later, but at an ultrasound in the ER last week, we learned just how far along I was. We went from 7 weeks to about 9 weeks to over 10 weeks! So now I am in the middle of my 11th week.

I have yet to vomit, but I do have some serious sinus issues I'd trade a good puke for, that's for sure. My body is already changing- it's gone soft. Big roundness in the front and the back. It's all really very strange. I'm really thirsty, fairly hungry, and super tired. Pregnancy insomnia sucks! But I really am not having a bad time at all, and so far am enjoying this.

This doesn't take away the pain of the last few months; hell the last few years. We probably won't be able to do it this way again, since Aaron needs to go back on testosterone and that will eventually sterilize him. But we're not scared; we're just enjoying it.

My next post will about the absolutely ridiculous crap people say to expectant parents. OMG.


  1. I love you Kat, you make me laugh! Love - Alyssa

  2. So happy for you guys! You have so so so much to look forward to on this crazy, enjoyable, frustrating, loving ride called parenthood!

  3. Very exciting! And I have some awesome comebacks for the shit people say to pregnant women :-)

  4. Yay!!! I know you guys will be awesome parents and I am so excited that you are going to be able to give all that love you have to your child. He or she is SOOOO lucky to have such wonderful people for parents. Congrats to you both!!

  5. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! As a mother of three boys, 2 by fertility, last by "surprise" I am sure I could come up with all kinds of stupid things to say, so I'll just keep my trap shut. Do enjoy this!

  6. Congratulations!!! :D This little bundle of blessing will be the shining light for all the dark times that you and Aaron had to endure....

    I have to chuckle because I usually roll my eyes when I see "ZOMG, WE'RE PREGNANT" posts. But for you two, I am genuinely, sincerely happy! :D

  7. I can't even imagine all the emotions you experience in those first few minutes. I'm so happy for you!

  8. Sincerely happy for you and Aaron, losing so much in the service of our country, not having your own child was too high a price. I am glad this worked out for you guys the old fashioned way! Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy, babies are awesome!

  9. YAY YAY YAY!! I have been a follower of your blog for quite some time. I am so happy for you and Aaron. I think you are amazing! I know that you guys will be amazing parents. I disagree with what others have said. You have been through hell and back, raising a child.. you got this! Love to you both! xoxo
