Donate online!!!!

Or text BRAVE to 2722 to donate $10 now through your phone provider!

*The first $350,000 of donations from this fundraising drive will be used directly for the benefit of the Causeys, and are therefore not tax deductible. Any additional donations will be added to the EOD Warrior Foundation’s general fund for the advancement of its mission goals.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Here we are...

Lazy Sunday! Thanksgiving visitors, Mom visit, and a quick DC blitz with some of my battles from Fort Drum. I was going to do things today, but Aaron and I have just enjoyed not feeling any pressure to go anywhere in particular.

This past Thursday night I was invited to the DC-Metro holiday party and board meeting. I had been asked to share my USO story and I gladly did. I didn't know that 7 months of volunteerism could gain me so much family and support. It is rare to have a wholly positive experience with anything, but the USO comes very close. I hope to continue to serve in the capacity that I can.

The new digs are still working out great. I've got some Christmas decorations up and have ordered some of Aaron's gifts from online. I just need some little tables and such to go around the living room. Ugh. No surface space at all (wheelchair pathways do need to be pretty clear).

I want to spoil Aaron because well, we're together this Christmas. I am damn lucky to have him. I am just honestly so excited about us being together. We're going to get to go home for Christmas- something we didn't think was possible even a month ago. The fact that he's so healthy, and so active, is a miracle. It feels selfish to even imagine that he's only going to get even more amazing from here.

I hope everyone is looking forward to a good holiday season. Life can really be rough and trying, but I am beginning to actually believe that everyone has something to be grateful for. I know I do.


  1. That all sounds amazing! I know it's different, but being a special needs mom, I kind of understand when you talk about how exciting the progress is. Doctors sometimes say things aren't possible, and then the patients prove them wrong. It's exciting to watch your loved one make progress where others didn't think it was possible. I hope you both have a great holiday season!

  2. I am so glad to hear how great Aaron is doing! I am excited that you two get to go home.

    By the way, I like the new blog and title.
